Spark Meaningful Connection with Your Content on Substack
You’re not hitting publish just for the sake of it but … there’s a lot of noise out there (have you heard, the AI robots are producing at lightning speed?).

Ready to rise above the noise and create something the right people will care about?
The Content Spark Summit is a full-day virtual event on Substack to help you elevate what you create best.

Iterate. Hypothesize. Play. Experiment.

That is your "X" factor as a creative. It’s time to lean into that when it comes to your content.

Attend The Content Spark Summit!

Grab the replays of this full-day virtual event on Substack and elevate your content with strategies, tutorials and inspiration for content that catches their attention and sparks meaningful connection.
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Grab your pass for The Content Spark Summit

Contact information

Billing address

I acknowledge that by registering for this event, I am hereby opting in to receive event communications via email from The Content Summit and from each of the summit speakers (Alex Elle, Kate Eskuri, Sarah Fay, Dr. Kelly Flanagan, Amanda Hinton, Russell Nohelty, Elin Petronella, Kirsten Powers, Keeley Rees, Sara Tasker, Christin Thieme, Claire Venus, Lucy Werner, and Robert Draper). If at any point I do not wish to receive these email communications, I will always be provided with an opportunity to unsubscribe.

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Content Spark Summit All-Access Pass$127

All prices in USD

Why Attend?

If you feel like you’re swirling in the eye of the content storm (and don’t want to be), this summit is for you. 

You aren’t on Substack to add to the noise. You are creating and publishing for something more, something meaningful. You want to reclaim content that is about connection

This is a gathering of those looking for a spark and willing to see what that spark might ignite.

Get the guide to what you really need to know on Substack.

Meet, mingle and spark connection with fellow creative Substackers.

Engage with the experts directly in "Ask an Expert" threads.  

Join in live for a chance to win surprise giveaways!

The Summit Schedule

[8a] Let’s Build Community (Not Followers) – Dr. Kelly Flanagan / Russell Nohelty / Elin Petronella 

[9a] Stay Creative on Substack (+ Grow While You're Asleep) – Claire Venus 

[10a] Newsroom Secrets to Level Up Your Solo Content – Robert Draper and Kirsten Powers 
[11a] LIVE! The Guide to 3 Things You Need to Succeed on Substack – Sarah Fay 

[12p] From Gut to Great: An Editor’s Advice on Writing With Instinct – Amanda Hinton 

[1p] Creative Ways to Hype Yourself on a Budget – Lucy Werner 

[2p] Transforming Your Expertise into Engaging Content – Kate Eskuri 

[3p] Creating Content for Connection – Christin Thieme 

[4p] How Finding an Audience Means Finding Yourself: Connection, Authenticity & Being Seen – The Substack Soirée 

[5p] Nourish Your Creativity: Compassionate Practices for Writers – Alex Elle

Each session replay is available on demand, plus explore Q&A afterparties with the experts.

95% of people who use the Internet
are strictly consumers.

They read. They scroll. They like. They share. But they don't create. 

That means you are automatically in the top 5% of Internet users as someone creating value by sharing your own stories, insights and perspectives for others to consume, share and distribute on your behalf. 

Might as well give 'em all you've got.

Ticket Options

Free Ticket

Get 24-hour access to event sessions, live “Ask an Expert” threads, and attendee networking (plus chances to win!) on June 27, starting at 8 a.m. PT.

All-Access Pass

Upgrade to an All-Access Pass for $127 to unlock replay access for one year PLUS get your very own virtual swag bag.

The Content Spark Summit is hosted by
The Content Brief and made possible by:

Riverside is your all-in-one online podcast and video studio.